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Village of Pomona Map boundaries

Village of Pomona Retaining Walls Information

2022 House of Worship Law

Short Term Rental Law


Please sign up to receive email notices of our events, meetings and general information by emailing clerk@pomonavillage.com

Dear Village residents,

As the weather is getting warmer, the Board of Trustees would like to take this
opportunity to provide some tips for the Spring, to ensure the Village remains
a safe and pleasant community for everyone.

1. Please remember that the Village has no overnight parking, on all of the
2. Thirty miles per hour is the maximum speed at which vehicles should be
driving within the Village of Pomona.
3. For everyone’s safety, please leash your pet(s) when walking them on the
street or in the park. This will allow your neighbors to move about more
comfortably with peace of mind.

Very truly yours,
Village of Pomona
Board of Trustees